Brand Naming

Brand naming as the name itself conveys; means identifying a viable name for your company, product or services. Though it is very simple to hear however it is the most tricky part when it comes to deciding the best brand name for your company. You have to go through a lot of research, brainstorming and trademark vetting to ensure that the name is available from a legal standpoint. There are various types of Brand Naming - Descriptive, Evocative, Invented, Lexical, Acronym, Geographical and Founder based. Our Content and Nomenclature Team work night and day to coin innovative and meaningful names for Brands.

Brand Identity

Brand Identity is the most crucial element in Branding. It is another name for the personality of your brand. Developing a Brand Identity requires more effort than creating a logo. Brand Identity is the visible element of your brand - What your brand says, values, how you communicate your products or services to your audience.
What you want people to feel when they interact with your company etc along with colours, design, and logo used in the brand. We work on all these aspects and elements to help the consumers easily identify and distinguish the brand in consumers' minds. For consistent brand identity, a consistent marketing and messaging plan is required and DigiOne helps you build it. DigiOne helps in building a positive brand image to bring in consistent sales and successful product rollouts.

Brand Guidelines

Whether you like it or not guidelines are very important. Just like any other rules, Brand guidelines are clearly defined rules and standards that communicate how your brand should be represented in the world. It helps the business to ensure its consistency and demonstrate what the company is, what it does and stands for (vision and mission). This builds and maintains a powerful brand. It is like a rulebook for branding.
DigiOne has the required deftness and expertise in creating Brand Guidelines and Identity Manuals for organisations that help them steer clear of the clutter and help them stand out of the crowd right from day one.

Brand Visual Communication / Packaging

Visual Communication is termed the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that one can see. Packaging is the physical element of contact between the brand and the customers. It is the final element for convincing potential customers. Using good visual communication in packaging is adopting a unique design which fosters brand awareness in the competitive environment. Creating a mix of unique elements can make a product distinguishable at a glance and can generate a big competitive advantage. Our package designs are so distinctive that it can identify the product itself. We ensure that your packaging becomes one with the product and its brand.

Brand Communication - Internal / External

The advent of the internet and brand-based communities are revolutionizing consumer-brand interactions. Both internal and external communications are stated for effective brand communication. Generally, the majority of companies give more importance to external communication than internal communication when comes to branding. This is a destructive step. One has to give equal importance to both internal and external communication, especially in branding. So, it is imperative to communicate the brand internally to your employees. Your employees are the experts who can make the brand come to life for your target consumers. Effective brand communication helps establish a powerful connection between your employees and the services or products you sell. Without this connection, your employees are likely to undermine the expectations set by your advertising plan. When it comes to external brand communication, consumers hold the real power to turn your services or products into a hot-selling brand. An effective external communication strategy will keep your brand’s conversations going among your customers, business partners and other relevant external parties. External brand communication impacts how a newcomer to your brand will be introduced to your products.

Brand Protection

After Brand Architecture or Brand creation, it is very important that you take equal steps to protect your band from various counterfeiting measures. Brand protection is the process that a rightful brand owner undertakes to prevent others from using its intellectual property, as this may cause loss of revenue and destroy your brand equity, reputation and trust. Brand protection seeks primarily to ensure that trademarks, patents, and copyrights are maintained along with other intellectual property rights such as industrial design rights or trade dress wherever involved. DigiOne puts together all these processes to ensure your Brand is secured once created. Our IP rights team is well equipped to secure your brand post creation.

Brand Architecture

When your brand sounds convoluted or even chaotic, DigiOne helps you with creating a specialized brand architecture which is typically helpful. It is the most effective technique to highlight the variety of services that your company offers. It gives you the ability to more effectively cross-promote those services, but more crucially, it gives you control over how people view your brand.It is described as the portfolio of brands, sub-brands, products, and services that a firm offers organised into a hierarchy. An integrated system of names, symbols, colours, and visual vocabulary that is directly influenced by consumer thought processes makes up a successful brand architecture.
Brand architecture establishes the depth and breadth of your brand. Additionally, it clarifies how your offerings are structured and how customers would interpret them. By maximising the flow of brand equity across your brands and sub-brands, brand architecture affects consumer behaviour. Brand architecture includes Branded House, House of Brands, Hybrid and Endorsed.

Brand Nurturing

The process of treating a brand as though it were a living thing is referred to as "brand nurturing." It is based on the fundamental ideas of brand management and brand governance. It focuses on both short-term and long-term objectives, which will assist build your brand's trust and benefit you in the long run even if short-term sales aren't necessarily increased. With many brands under one parent umbrella, the significant advantages of this strategy is based on a long run and elevates the brand to a completely different level.

Brand Security

In order to reliably protect client information, permissions, consent, and intelligence and to ensure the sustainability, longevity, and lifespan of their relationship with a company, brand security is a holistic approach that employs process and technology. An intentional technical framework that prevents and mitigates the effects of violations, intrusions, and invasions on consumer interactions and engagements. Brand security combines the objectives of marketing, service, and sales with those of IT, operations, and security to provide transparency, proactive protection, monitoring, reaction, and remediation in order to create consistently useful interactions.